Saturday, March 22, 2014

Week 6 Reflection

     I have organized educational information as a student and new teacher candidate. Although I
have not been able to use bookmarking before, I have kept paper copies of all educational material that
I have used through high school and my first semester of college. Making sure that the material was
organized, I was able to keep everything of importance in an area where I knew I would be able to find it
if the information was needed in the future. I do think however, that if I was able to use web access as
well as bookmarking, I would have been able to expand my knowledge for the material I was learning. I
think that joining a social bookmarking site would have also been beneficial in my studies as well.
 In the future I plan on organizing my teaching and educational material with the use of social
bookmarking in order for my students to be able to have access to material that they might find
important or useful as well. By using social bookmarking the information is at an easy to use access,
while also clearly organized, for everyone who comes across the information.
What is Social Bookmarking
I plan on filling my social bookmarking site with educational mathematics games as well lesson
plans that are covered in class. I think that having this information available for my students will be
beneficial to them if they do not understand something or want extra time with a certain topic. The
games and lesson plans, as well as notes, will help them understand the material better outside of the
classroom when they are on their own. This information way also be helpful for them when studying for
a test or completing homework.

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